I have been trying to find a publisher for my recent ( and long in the works ) book of poetry, and no publisher is interested, so I am going to self publish here on my blog, I will be posting the entire work as a downloadable Text / PDF file, NO STEALING, I just want to be “Heard”, I am tiered of the bureaucratic BS and I am going to try to let my thoughts out, so with that being said, you will see most, if not all of my work in the recent version of my book “Rants and Ravings of a Modern Day Cave Dweller” in singular and bulk posting and the file will be available in PDF that can be downloaded. If you like it and want to “donate” to my further therapy, you can make a donation via PayPal by sending funds to me at my PayPal pay station, just go to http://www.paypal.com and look up visimagepro@aol.com, there you select send funds, any denomination, it accepts debit and credit cards or digital checks, so if you think it is a masterful work of literature, or lining for a parakeet cage, either way you can donate to a cause… feeding my kids.
I will begin posting Monday, September 14th of 2009, and it will be downloadable on the 15th.
If You cannot find or download my book, Check My Rantbabble site on Wordpress
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